Spring is almost here! And with that comes the insatiable need to brighten everything up (or in my case, paint everything in sight turquoise) plant flowers, and enjoy a tasty beverage in the nice weather (totally in denial, disregarding the weatherman just saying more snow is on the way- cruel April Fool's joke, Mother Nature. Cruel!) In any event, now that we have some gardens to tend to we're gonna need a place to work (and maybe even throw a tablecloth over it and enjoy those tasty beverages!) I can't bring myself to dish out the $200 for a new potting table, and the vintage route is more my style anyway. Simple enough- buy a dirty table, add pots, add more dirt. Voila! Super stylish potting bench. If you're gonna get your hands dirty, you may as well do it in style, right? Here is our inspiration:

Simple enough? Now, on the hunt for that perfect dirty old table.
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